MAT1 Marketing & Affiliate Training Vault + 52 Steps To Success

If You’re Still Chasing Shiny Objects And Have Little To Nothing To Show For It…Then You Need To Read Every Single Word On This Page.

Let me level with you.

Making money online is not hard. Not hard at all.

It’s a process, it just takes time and a bit of effort…

But because there are so many push buttons to get rich quick shiny objects circulating around the internet, it creates the mindset for easy quick money.

While that may have been true in the earlier stages of the internet, it’s just not true now.

Sure…you can find some ‘loophole’ hack or ‘insider tactic’, but those normally have a limited shelf life.

And then you’re in search of your next ‘high’ like a struggling addict.

So you peruse your inbox, looking for the next ‘thing’ that’s going to deliver you riches like you’ve just found the golden ticket.

Only to look up and you’ve invested thousands, wasted time, and have no true sustainable income to show for it.

That has to stop here and now. And I’m going to show you how to FINALLY get over the hump.

The Key Is To Build A BUSINESS. Not Just Try To Make Money With Loopholes.

Eventually, you’ve got to mature into a business building mindset.

There’s no other way about it. You’ve got to take the bulls by the horn and create a lasting business online.

One where you have a true business foundation you can build on AND that people are willing to exchange money with you for.

This is the #1 reason why most people fail online. They think the shiny object is a shortcut to success…only to be caught in a cyclical pattern of entrepreneurial dysfunction.

But that’s not the only problem…

Have You Ever Felt Like,

“What If I Do This And It Doesn’t Work?”

Of course you have. We all have.

It’s the tortuous mindset that if you put your efforts into one thing and it doesn’t work, you could have spent that time on something else that might have worked instead.

So you wind up in a couple of places:

1. Trying to do too many things at once without a real focus…which diffuses your efforts and results.

2. You get overwhelmed and paralyzed by all the information and wind up doing nothing.

Truth is, you just need to pick one thing and stick with it for a time. But it’s also true that you’ll have a path where you may need to pivot into various opportunities that feel right to you.

If that’s you, which I’m sure it is if you’ve read this far, then I want to invite you to join a very special group that I’m putting together.

It’s an incredible resource that will help you build the foundation for your internet business in a number of segments.

And everything you need to succeed is included in one easy to access library.

Introducing MAT1 Marketing & Affiliate Training!

A Complete Online Digital Library of Courses To Help You Build Sustainable Predictable Income You Can Rely On Month After Month!

But Why Listen To Me?

I’m afraid if you’re looking for one of those rags to riches, living on the street, to turning it all around over night success stories, then you’re in the wrong place!

I’m not that person.

I’m not particularly remarkable, talented or even smart.

I am, however, very persistent (blind stubborness as my mother calls it) & consistent.

In other words…I keep going till I work out how something works.

I got into making money online early (2000) and mostly by accident.

It then took me 5 years working in my spare time to create a full time online income… but then I did try pretty much everything along the way to find out what works AND what I enjoy doing!

Over the last 15 years I’ve helped thousands of people start and build their online businesses and worked with a host of businesses and partners along the way, selling thousands of training courses and software.

Over the last 7 years I’ve run and managed over 50 Software/SaaS/Digital product launches across several platforms – generating millions of dollars for my partners & myself.

MAT1 is the culmination of all that experience and hard won knowledge.

I see product after product being released that only serve to distract & confuse new marketers with too many different options and possible paths.

I’ve designed MAT1 to lead any one, whether they are a total newbie or a seasoned marketer who is struggling to achieve their income goals, through the essential skills and tools and building blocks necessary to create a real reliable online business.

Here’s What’s You Get Inside MAT1

You’ll love that there’s an entire library dedicated to helping you develop the skills and steps necessary to build a solid long term online business in ANY niche.

This is premium high quality valuable training that you can use in a systematic way to achieve your online goals.

Here’s a breakdown

of everything included:

52 Weekly Training pdfs

Every week, we’ll deliver you a different pdf lesson to help you build your business step-by-step, broken down in to manageable, actionable lessons..

Step by Step Checklists

Besides the incredible video library, you’ll receive these easy to follow checklists that help you get up and running quickly. Perfect for moving past all the chatter and getting results in as little time as possible.

Monthly Marketing Essentials Workshops

In depth, over the shoulder practical example webinars that help you follow the exact steps we take.

Monthly New “What’s Working Right Now” guides

The foundation for what it takes to succeed online never changes, but the METHODS sometimes do. Because we know you have a life outside of online marketing, we’ll take the driver’s seat and keep you up to date on what’s working at any given moment online.

This way you can take the guides, implement, and get results asap.

Monthly Q&A Webinars with Matt & Alex

While the training, pdfs, and checklists work great… we also know that you may need to have live demonstrations or just need a forum to get your questions answered.

These monthly workshops will do that for you. You come prepayellow with questions and we’ll help you work through the kinks of building your online business for massive success.

Training on Essential Tools

We do this for a living, we know what work and what makes running an online business easier – so we’ll show you the tried and tested tools we use and how to get the most from them.

The MAT1 MASSIVE Video Library – Over 200 videos included!

Every topic you could ever think about succeeding with online is all coveyellow in this video library. Full of examples, step by step, and how to’s…

when you pair this with the checklists, there’s absolutely no way you can lose.

Here’s a snaphost of just some of the videos alreadu included in the member’s area:

  1. WordPress Training: 39
  2. Authority Blogging: 9
  3. Affiliate Blogging: 10
  4. Affiliate Marketing: 30
  5. Basic Traffic Strategies: 10
  6. Advanced Traffic Strategies: 10
  7. Traffic Guide Videos: 12
  8. 25 Traffic Methods: 2
  9. SEO Getting Started: 10 + 4 pdf
  10. SEO Workshop: 20
  11. On Page SEO for WP: 9
  12. Modern Affiliate Marketing: 12 + pdf
  13. Social Media Marketing: 10 + 4 pdf
  14. YouTube Marketing: 9 + pdf
  15. Video Marketing: 16 + 3 pdf

It Took Me 5 Years To Figure This Out.

You Can Start Seeing Results In 30 Days.

I only wish that I had something like this when I first started out.

It would have saved me SOOOO much time and frustration.

I could have gotten results in a fraction of the time instead of it taking me 5 years to get the results I have achieved.

And while I’m not promising that you’ll have a massive windfall of cash in the next 30 days…it’s not uncommon to start seeing results in that time frame.

The guides, blueprints, videos, and more can truly help you. All you have to do is put in consistent focused effort and not give up.

If you can do that, creating and building an incredible online income really is within your grasp guaranteed!

Let’s Start Building You A Full Time Income You

Can Rely On And Be Proud Of.

Click Below To Get Started.


$297 One Time Payment

30 Day Refund Guarantee

No Thanks

And Yes, The Guarantee Still Stands.

Just in case you’re wondering, I’m still going to honor my 30 Day ‘No Quibbles’ Guarantee with this upgrade.

That being said, if in the next 30 days you don’t believe that MAT1 delivers on everything I promised on this page, simply send in a request and we’ll issue you a prompt and courteous refund.

No questions asked.


There’s just one final step and that’s to click the button above to join now.

Just think… where will you be 6 months from now?

Will you still be chasing shiny objects or will you finally be living the life you truly want because you’ve achieved a level of success and freedom online?

Friend, as I said earlier, making money online isn’t hard. You just need to have a path that guides you to where you want to be.

MAT1 provides that path and all the tools necessary to get you there.

All you have to do is make the decision to get started and like us, you too can build a true, sustainable online income based business that makes profits for years to come.

So go ahead and click the button above to add this to your order now.

We look forward to working with you!

We look forward to working with you!

If You’re Still Chasing Shiny Objects And Have Little To Nothing To Show For It…Then You Need To Read Every Single Word On This Page. Let me level with you. Making money online is not hard. Not hard at all. It’s a process, it just takes time and a bit of effort… But because there