Zero To Hero Make Money Online

“Now You Too Can Go From ‘Zero To Hero’ By Creating an In-Demand, High-Quality, High-Priced Package of Reports, Courses, Tools and Other Resources

In Just 31 Simple Steps – No Kidding!”

You’re about to go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable info product ready to take orders in the next month! …

How is that even possible? Read on…

Every week someone asks me:

Is it possible for ‘ME’ to create a desirable and profitable info product? I don’t have the time to do it all myself. I don’t have the budget to outsource it…

And my answer is YES! Absolutely.

You too can create a profitable package of info products that you can sell online – even if right at this moment

  • you don’t have the budget

  • you don’t have the time… and

  • you don’t have any ideas.

And yet, people will still happily line up around ‘the virtual block’ to buy what you’re selling!

See, here’s the thing…

A lot of newbie Info Publishers get stuck creating and selling reports and other low-ticket offers for $5, $7, maybe $10.

Don’t get me wrong – it’s awesome if you’re already creating and selling these sorts of offers.

But you’re not going to get rich doing it.

The key to a profitable Information Publishing Business is two-fold:

  • You need to create a sales funnel with a variety of products.

  • Some of these products need to be high-ticket offers (we’re talking about products with prices set at $97 and up). And which contain a variety of reports, courses, tools and other valuable resources.

Only then will you be able to create the sort of thriving, profitable business you’ve been dreaming about.

Except there’s just one problem…

Creating a high-ticket info product package is a HUGE task…

… And creating a sales funnel full of products is also a pretty big mountain to climb too. That’s why a lot of marketers get stuck in a rut selling cheap products and don’t grow their business as they should.

Until now…

Just Imagine The Possibilities If You Knew a ‘Quick and Easy’ Shortcut For Creating Profitable Info Products That Sell Like Crazy!

You don’t have to imagine it, because you’re about to find out exactly how I do it – and how you can too!

All you have to do is find high-quality PLR content and use it to create your unique package of reports, courses, worksheets, checklists, templates and other resources. It’s fast, it’s easy, and absolutely anyone can do it!

Now, let me back up for a second in case you’re not familiar with this concept. PLR stands for “private label rights,” and this sort of content licensing gives you nearly free reign with how to use the content. You can modify it any way they please, put your name as the author, sell it, or even give it away.

Why use PLR content?  And why create a package of resources?

Here are Three Great Reasons to Create

Your Own Valuable Resource Package Using PLR Content

This is an Extremely Profitable Product

You can use this bundle of products as a low-priced, high-value offer to convert prospects to customers FAST. Or you can tack a big price tag on it and make a lot of money with every. The choice is yours!

Someone Else Does the Work and You Pocket the Profits

You won’t find a quicker, easier way to create products. When you use quality PLR content, someone else does about 90% of the work – and yet YOU get 100% of the profits. This shortcut almost feels like you’re cheating!

Anyone Can Do This

This is the fastest, easiest way I know to create an extremely valuable product fast. You’ll love how easy it is to create, and your customers will love the valuable resources you include in your package!

It’s pretty easy to see why it’s such a good idea to create a valuable package of products out of PLR content, right? Maybe dollar signs are lighting up in your eyes?

Good. Because you’re reading the right page, since I’m about to show you how to go from zero (no content, no ideas) to becoming an absolute hero with your own ‘profitable bundle of products’ in just 31 simple steps!

Now before I show you exactly what you get when you order this guide, let me make an important note…

This product is for people who know a little something about online business.

You need to come to the table with knowledge of how to set up a website.

Or alternatively, you can outsource this task to someone else and take it completely off your hands…

The reality is setting up a quick website is nowhere near as difficult as you may think… there are plenty of free videos on YouTube that show you everything you need to know.

In any case, this guide focuses on how to create a bundle of products out of PLR content that your buyers and end users are going to love.

But we don’t get ‘technical’ in this guide… and we don’t go over things like how to get traffic. Those things you can learn elsewhere. For the meat of this guide, you’re getting a nice condensed version of

How to create a package of in-demand products that sell like CRAZY!

Sound good?

Then let me walk you through what all is included in this guide and extra bonus package…

Here’s What You Get When You Order Now:

‘Going From Zero To Hero’ – The Simple Step-By-Step Startup Guide For Creating a Profitable Info Product

This guide takes you from where you are today, which is at square one (with no site, no content and maybe not even a single idea) … to getting your first info product package up and ready to take orders in about a month.

By completing just one step per day, You’ll be on the fast-track to completing your goal and having your very first (or next) product ‘live’ and on the internet and ready to make you sales.

Here’s exactly what you’ll discover and what you’ll be doing each day to go from scratch to creating a profitable package using PLR content:

Step 1:  Pick a Niche

Step 2:  Select a Topic

Step 3:  Decide Exactly What to Create

Step 4:  Plan a Sales Funnel

Step 5:  Determine Your Backend Offers

Step 6:  Find Suitable PLR Content

Step 7:  Selecting the Best PLR

Step 8:  Create a Branded Theme

Step 9:  Naming Your Package and Its Pieces

Step 10: Setting Up Your Site

Step 11: 6 Ways to Make PLR Content Unique

Step 12: Creating Fresh Introductions and Conclusions

Step 13: Personalizing Your PLR Content

Step 14: Compiling Content to Create Something Unique

Step 15: Using PLR Content to Create Useful Tools

Step 16: Questions to Ask Yourself When Using PLR Excerpts

Step 17: 5 Ideas for Creating Multimedia Content From PLR Text Content

Step 18:  A Simple Way to Add Value to Your PLR

Step 19: How to Create an Effective Call to Action

Step 20: How to Proof and Polish Your Package

Step 21: Creating a Useful Quick-Start Guide

Step 22:  Putting the Finishing Touches on the Package

Step 23:  Decide What Sort of Bonuses to Include

Step 24: Create the Bonus(es)

Step 25: Finish and Proof the Bonuses

Step 26: Preparing Your Package

Step 27: Choosing a Profitable Price

Step 28: Create a Sales Letter

Step 29: Complete the Site Set Up

Step 30: Plan a Marketing Strategy, Part 1

Step 31: Plan a Marketing Strategy, Part 2

The ‘Zero To Hero’ Profit-Boosting Bonus Bundle

Together with the main ‘Zero to Hero’ guide you will also receive and extra five awesome accessories that could easily be sold as stand-alone products…

Instead, there all included for you at no extra cost, so that you guaranteed to not only save a lot of time… But also you’re also going to create the type of info products that your customer won’t be able to help themselves falling in love with. 

Here’s what you get:

A Proven, Simple, Sales Letter Template

Here’s a template that you can use to quickly and easily create a sales page for your profitable package. You can be up and running much faster than writing everything from scratch, because all you have to do is fill in the blanks!

The Profitable Packages Checklist

Your 31-step guide gives you a complete step-by-step process for going from zero to a profitable package using PLR content. When you’re ready to take action, just print off this handy checklist so you don’t miss a single step – it’s easy!

How to Create an Effective Lead Magnet

Your lead magnet is one of the most important pieces of your sales funnel. After all, if your lead magnet doesn’t effectively attract and convert prospects, then the rest of your sales funnel doesn’t even really need to exist. And that’s why this mini-guide gives you a four-step process for creating profitable lead magnets using PLR content!

40 Really Clever Ways to Use PLR Content

Throughout the main guide, you’ll discover how to turn PLR content into a profitable package of products. However, that’s not the only way to use PLR content. Truth is, you can use it to create other types of products, build relationships with your audience, and even generate traffic with it. This list gives you 40 ideas that you put to work in your business ASAP!

50 Templates You Can Use to Create High-Converting Titles

One of the keys to creating a profitable package is to be sure you have compelling titles for each individual piece as well as the package as a whole. That’s why you’re going to love these 50 titling templates, which makes it quick and easy for you to come up with all the compelling names you need!

Forget about trying to learn how to create a valuable package from someone who just started their own infoproduct business a few months ago. They’re going to give you rehashed, outdated information that’s going to lead you down the wrong path.

And forget about trying to figure this all out on your own. I’ve already pioneered and/or tested all these strategies, so you know they work.

Why spend six months, a year or more struggling to figure it all out on your own when you can just grab this package right now and get started?

It’s a no brainer!

Best of all, you can get yours now at a great price…

Get Everything You See on This Page for the Amazing New Customer Price of Just $37

When you use this guide (and the items in the profit boosting bonus bundle) to create your own package of info products… you’ll be able to recoup your entire investment by making just ONE sale…

… And everything after that is profit in your pocket.

Simply put, this is one deal you can’t pass up. If you’ve ever wanted to create a high-quality, in-demand product the fast and easy way, then you’re going to need this 31 step guide to shepherd you through the process.

Get yours now by clicking the button below…

And I look forward to hearing about your success and becoming a hero in the eyes of not only yourself…

… But also your family and your friends… as you celebrate releasing your first product online… and making your very first sale!

Best wishes


PS. Just think… you could have your own profitable package ready to take orders in super quick time by following this simple 31 step guide! Or you could do nothing, and be in exactly the same place in a month – dreaming about making some money online, but no further along in the process.

Let’s do this together and make it happen. Take the first step by ordering you Zero To Hero Guide right now…

Copyright © 2023 Getting From Zero To Hero

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

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“Now You Too Can Go From ‘Zero To Hero’ By Creating an In-Demand, High-Quality, High-Priced Package of Reports, Courses, Tools and Other Resources In Just 31 Simple Steps – No Kidding!” You’re about to go from zero content, zero ideas to being the hero of your family and friends by creating your own in-demand profitable